Trip to the castle Červený kameň 1.5.2024

The club does not forget to strengthen friendly relations between members and their family members. This time, exceptionally, we let our landseers relax at home and took advantage of the holiday’s sunny day for a family trip to Častá, where we took part in a bird of prey presentation from the Astur falconry at the castle Červený kameň. We would like to thank our member Martin Bobrík for an engaging, funny and interactive show. He introduced us to his work, which is also his hobby.

Work with any kind of animal is always challenging, but it is noble and very rewarding when we do it wholeheartedly. Despite the fact that birds require a different approach to education and training than dogs, we can inspire each other. Next time we can also take our landseers and walk through Malé Karpaty. The surroundings of the castle Červený kameň are beautiful.

vylet na cerveny kamen 2024
