Dear friends,
I am very proud of all those participated in the water exams or the show. Landseers defended their place with honor and compared to the results two years ago also added beautiful final placements.
What did we do together? For the first time we had the opportunity to organize the water work exams according to DVG rules in the Central European region. This is an important milestone for our club and for molos. I believe that we will benefit from this extraordinary moment for all of you and we will be able to successfully manage whole approval process of national exam rules.
It will not work without your support and also interest in this sport. The exam was judged by international judge from Belgium, Mr. Koen van Landuyt. Thank you for his valuable advice and correct judgment. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to this successful weekend. Doubravka, thank you especially for advice, help in finding judges, for know-how and I am very happy that we did not give up it in August.
Peter, Milan, Ivanka, Norbi, Berni, Kamil, Michal, Sonja, Monika, Robert – thank you for always being on place in time, for actively putting your hand on the work, for coming and helping together. I really appreciate it.
Epeiros Water CUP 14.09.2019, Koen van Landuyt
1. Abdul Tobi Miracle Star 189 b. (better water work)
2. Bounty Tip Top Landy 189 b.
3. Pearl of Csillahill Aisa 181 b.
4. Dafra z Laderova 169 b.
5. Cory pod Svatou horou 155 b.
6. Daien Milword 151 b.
7. Derick Z Hory Blaník 148 b.
8. Afra Tobi Miracle Star 140 b.
1. Finnya 180 b.
2. Casablanca – Lissy von Feldschloss Rheinfelden
But that is not all!!! On Saturday there were also tests of temperament. 4 landseers participated there. The third place from year 2017 this time defended for landseers Claudia z Hory Blaník with 97/100 p. Perfect!!! On Sunday Special Dog Show was held. The judge from Serbia Mrs. Suncica Lazic judged landseers. The winner of the breed became Abdul. Here I have to also mention amazing places in the final competions – landseers were awared up 4 times!
BIS 1 Best couple – landseer Abdul & Afra Tobi Miracle Star
BIS 2 Best puppy – landseer Catherine Carpathian Valley
BIS 3 Best male Abdul Tobi Miracle Star
BIS 3 Best honor class Claudia z Hory Blaník
BOB Abdul Tobi Miracle Star
BOS Afra Tobi Miracle Star
BOV Bounty Tip Top Landy
intermediate class
Exc1,CAC,Epeiros Winner,BOB Abdul Tobi Miracle Star
open class
Exc1,CAC Harvey z Letohradského ranče
Disq. Benjamin Carpathian Valley
champion class
Exc1,CAC Arcturus Wepwawet
Exc2 Little Hope des Pandas des Terres Rouges
Puppy class
VP1 Catherine Carpathian Valley
VP2 Claire Carpathian Valley
Intermediate class
Exc1, CAC, Epeiros Winner, BOS Afra Tobi Miracle Star
Open class
Exc1, CAC Odille vom Kollerhof
Champion class
Exc1, CAC Pearl of Csillahill Aisa
Exc2, res. CAC Cory pod Svatou horou
Exc3 Amina Barba di Batelina
Honor class
Exc1 Claudia z Hory Blaník
Veteran class
Exc1 Bounty Tip Top Landy
Congratulations to all of you and I look forward to seeing you to our next event. Goodbye friends!