Slovakia Water Cup 13. – 15. 09.2024

In September, Water Works exams will take place according to the german DVG regulations. Norwegian judge Hanne Aamondt accepted the invitation to judge our dogs.

The exams will take place during the weekend 14. of September 14th and 15th. The venue is the beach of the Zátoka hotel. Accommodation for participants is provided in the rooms and apartments of the Zátoka Hotel.

The detailed schedule for each exam day will be published after the closing of applications.

We are starting registration and we look forward to your participation!

Information for participants:
Accommodation is provided from Thursday 12 September 2024.
The trial team will consist of the judge – Hanne Aamondt, helpers – Iveta Uhrová, Ivana Černajová and Zita Kerak Lukáčová, pilot – Milan Černaj.
Pre-exam training for interested parties will be held on Friday, September 13th. If the capacity of the exam day is not filled, there will be space for training for those interested who just want to train.

We tentatively set the capacity of tested teams at 15 for one day. In case of great interest and after consultation with the judge, we can increase the capacity for one of the exam days.
