Specialty Show 2024

Landseer klub Slovensko
Specialty Show CAC

Specialty Winner, Junior Specialty Winner, Veteran Specialty Winner

JUDGE: Martin Šipkovský, SK

ENTRY CLOSE: 06.10. 2024

10:00 – 10.30 Entry
10.30 – 12.00 Judging
12.00 – 12.30 Final Competitions


Garden Pub LEBUJ
Jánovce, {near Galanta}
GPS: 48.17710927032808, 17.532711039891684


The show is organised according to the reglements of the FCI and SKJ and the regulations issued by the organizer. Only dogs registered with the stud books recognised by the FCI can enter the show.

Each dog must be uploaded to the online system by the owner.
Every entry form must include a clearly readable copy of dog’s pedigree. In case of a wrong class on the entry form, the dog will be automatically entered in the correct class according to his age, any dog older than 15 months will in this case be entered in the open class. Applications lacking any necessary document (a copy of the International working certificate for the working class, a copy of the Championship certificate for the champion class (only ICH or CH title is valid) and a copy of a title awarding for the honorary class) will be automatically entered into the open class without notifying owners. Documents received after the last entry closure will not be accepted.
It is not possible to enter a dog on the day of the show! It is not possible to change the class on the day of the show!

The organiser may refuse to accept the application without stating the reason.

If the show will not be held for the unforeseen cases, the exhibition fees will be used to cover the expenses. The organiser cannot be held responsible for damages caused by/to a dog.

A judge is obliged to disqualify aggressive dogs. Provoking dogs against each other is not allowed. It is forbidden to prepare a dog with any substance that will alter the structure, colour or form of the coat, skin or nose. Only trimming, clipping, combing and brushing are allowed. Double handling from outside of the ring is forbidden. It is strictly forbidden to leave dogs tied up on trimming tables except the time they are being prepared for the show (trimmed, brushed or combed). Violation of these rules will result in disqualifying the dog from the competition.

Selling puppies at the exhibition grounds is strictly forbidden!

The exhibitors are responsible for safeguarding and the welfare of the dogs at dog shows. It is forbidden to put the dog in a situation that can be dangerous for its health and welfare, such as leaving it in the car in hot or cold weather and/or treating it in a cruel manner. Violation of these rules will result in exclusion from the ongoing and future dog shows. The judges are judging the dogs according to the valid standards issued by the FCI.

The judge is allowed to refuse to judge a dog that is late for his class. The judge is obliged to refuse to judge a dog, whose owner is not able to provide the dog´s pedigree when asked by the ring steward.

In breeds where the standard does not allow docking/cropping, it is upon the decision of the judge not to judge this dog, as there is an indication of an operation being done with a purpose of correcting the natural state of the body feature (e.g. docked tail, cropped ear). The reason why a CANNOT BE JUDGED mark was given must be clearly stated in the critique.

Moving a dog from open class to working or champion class at the show is not possible. Moving a dog from class to class at the show is only possible in case of organizer´s mistake.

Dogs from abroad must have a PET PASSPORT with valid vaccinations.

Minor Puppy class correctly immunized puppies up to 6 months
Puppy class 6-9 months
Junior class 9-18 months
Intermediate class 15-24 months
Open class 15 months and over
Champion class 15 months and over (Championship certificate compulsory)
Veteran class 8 years and over
Honorary class from dogs with titles International Champion, Champion, Club winner (Title certificate compulsory)

CAJC SR – Certificate for the Junior Champion title of Slovakia may be awarded to dogs and bitches graded as Excellent 1st in junior class
CAC SR – Certificate for the Champion of Slovakia may be awarded to dogs and bitches graded Excellent 1st in intermediate, open, working or champion class
Reserve CAC – may be awarded to dogs and bitches graded as Excellent 2nd in intermediate, open, working or champion class
Specialty WINNER – awarded to the best adult male and female from each breed.
JUNIOR Specialty WINNER – awarded to male and female graded as CAJC in junior class
VETERAN Specialty WINNER – awarded to male and female graded as Excellent 1st in veteran class
BOJ (Best of Junior in breed) – awarded to best male or female, that was honoured with CAJC title
BOV – awarded to best male or female with Veteran Specialty Winner title.
BOB – awarded to the best male or female from each breed. Males and females with BOJ, BOV and Specialty Winners entering the competition.
BOS – Best of Opposite Sex


An owner (100% same owners on both dogs) can enter his dog and bitch of the same breed and variety, that have been judged at this show.

A breeder can enter his breeder´s group of at least 3 dogs or bitches of the same breed, color and size, which have been judged at this show. The dogs don´t have to be owned by the breeder, but they must come from the same kennel from at least two different litters, at least two different sires and dams. A dog / bitch can only be entered to one breeder´s group.

By submitting the entry of his/her dog the exhibitor is obliged to abide by the SKJ/FCI show regulations and Slovak veterinary rules. The exhibitor is giving his/ her permission to publish his/her adress in the exhibition catalog and on the website of the organizer. He/she also agrees with publishing pictures, results and critiques of his/her dog as much as needed by the organizer, the SKJ or partners of the show. The entry of a dog is financially binding.

By registering a dog, the exhibitor undertakes to pay all fees.

uzávierka 06.10.2024
Prvý pes 45 €
Druhý pes 40 €
Mladší dorast, Dorast,
Veterán, Čestná trieda
20 €
Súťaže 20 €

Entry form Specialty Show 19.10.2024 Jánovce

*diploma required
** only for Champions and National Winner, without CAC

Provide the payment of entry fees, please, after confirmation of show organizer. Information to follow will be sent by mail to exhibitor.

Please check the size of attachments before sending them. The maximum allowed size of one attachment is 2MB. If you attach a larger attachment, the application cannot be sent.
